The Mathematics of Love

Here we are again. Another Wednesday. Another FridayFictioneers photo prompt writing challenge. this time supplied by the effervescent Dale Rogerson. Thanks, Dale, and thank you Rochelle for hosting us yet again.

To read other contributors’ stories click on the blue frog below. Have fun!



Kelvin M. Knight

She doodled circles on her napkin. He scribbled formulae on his. Round and round his mathematical symbols roamed. Her favourite shape was a circle. Now was not a good time to show him this, though.

‘Good or bad,’ he exclaimed, trying to stir the grand circles dangling from the ceiling with his forefingers. ‘Why didn’t I see this before?’

His outburst caused those standing nearby at their tables to gawp. She smiled politely at them.

When his napkin was full, she offered him hers. His eyebrows shrieked. Sipping his aperitif, she nodded affectionately. His wow face lit up her heart.

(100 words)

42 thoughts on “The Mathematics of Love

  1. “trying to stir the grand circles dangling from the ceiling with his forefingers” seems like such a childlike gesture but it means so much to her. You really brought the circles to life, Kelvin. Nicely done.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. No you haven’t missed my FF stories, Lish – I have not been reading or posting in FF. My blog is barely getting a WPS story a week. Even the Sandbox Writing Challenge has not been responded to by me. I’m sorry. I will keep a weather eye out for your FF stories and endeavour to comment. Kelvin.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, no, no, dear man! No need to keep an eye out for my stories. I was just wondering where you were and if all was well, that’s all. Sometimes life just turns into a whirlwind and something must be laid aside. If not posting on WPS for awhile is that something, it is what it is. It’s just that I always look for certain FF faces and I’d been missing yours. Take care.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. When I say special, Lish, what I mean is you have something interesting / different to say and you always say it differently/ interestingly and your works here are free. I would be a fool to not read you here, wouldn’t I? 😎


  2. Effervescent, eh? Blush, blush…

    Now, ahem, back to your story… Loved this: “His eyebrows shrieked”… Guess she really knows him to not disturb his frenzied scribbling. And hey, if she loves him the way he is, all the better 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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