© Kelvin M. Knight, 2019

Weather was fun.

This midlife revelation rocked Andrew. For too long he’d accepted the blueness of his position: his perfectionism; his workaholic nature; his awkwardness in social situations; his loneliness.

This morning there were no storm clouds. Today the sun was glorious and Andrew’s lawn glistened. Grinning, he rushed outside in his boxers and charged downstairs to his lawn where he threw himself down. The wetness on his back was cold but exhilarating. Trembling, he stretched out his arms and legs, then waved them about. Tears of joy dripped down his cheeks as he made the biggest dew angel ever.

(100 words)

Thanks, as ever, to Rochelle for hosting this weekly photo driven writing prompt. Other writers’ imaginative take on this picture can be found by clicking the la’al blue froggy below.


27 thoughts on “BEATS COFFEE

  1. Ahhh … it sounds like something many responsible men must go through when they retire.
    It’s as if he had to get in touch with his inside child to accept that it was OK to be without responsibilities. I know someone like that. I’m going to read this to him when I see him.
    Nicely written, Kelvin. Sorry, I’m late … but I can’t seem to catch up. Mmmmm summer fever.
    Isadora 😎

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  2. Kelvin, you’ve made me want to go give this guy a big maternal hug, although he’d probably be embarrassed to death by that 🙂

    Nice to see you, by the way. You went missing for a bit, didn’t you?

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  3. Lovely story, Kelvin. We live in such a wonderful, beautiful world, and occasionally something wakes us up to that. Andrew sounds as though he’s enjoying such a moment. Your story captures his exhilaration perfectly!

    Liked by 1 person

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