Despite focussing on flash fiction stories involving cycles and cyclists as I have been undertaking my cycle 5000 miles in a year challenge for charity (more details if you are interested here), occasionally a story surfaces that doesn’t conform to what I am trying to do. Which is okay. Sometimes those stories feel good enough to share. I hope you don’t mind me sharing this flash fiction story with you. Thank you.

Now it’s off for my morning ride – unsure if it is going to be a short one or a long one. Guess I’ll find out when I get out there.


© Kelvin M. Knight, 2022

Numbers filled his dreams. Numbers he couldn’t add, subtract, multiply or divide, no matter how many times he tossed and turned. Subconsciously he straightened his three pillows.


This number was at the heart of all those numbers. This number was the lifeblood pulsing through all those numbers. He saw and heard this clearly, felt this as keenly as he’d ever felt anything.


Beautiful three.

Amazing three.

Three times dawn caressed his face. Beaming, he opened tired eyes. The mind-blowing serenity of those numbers was like air around him. Breathing deeply, he sat bolt upright and wept for joy.

10 thoughts on “NUMBERS, NUMBERS

    1. Love to read about your numbers, Linda.

      Cycling went well. I’m training for a big event next year. Did half the distance with half the elevation gain today in 4hours 30mins. I tried to squeeze another 25km out of my legs but they weren’t having it. Hope that’s not too snoozeville for you!!

      How you fairing today?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll have to take the time some day to write about my numbers 😊
        Another hot day here in NC. The heat never bothered me in my younger days….I find myself preferring and looking forward to the cooler temps of autumn. Counting down the days for my upcoming move ..I’m excited and anxious and will be so happy once it’s all done.

        Never snoozeville lol
        Im impressed honestly.
        Can’t imagine 4 + hours on a bike 😬 Rest those legs now!!! Lol


      2. Take all the time you need, Linda. I know the result will be worth it.

        NC? I enjoy the cooler climbs too. Must be because I am a winter baby. Autumn is my fav time of year.

        This move sounds as though it is what you need. Hopefully it will help with those lonely feelings…

        I put my legs up… for a bit… then suffered with cramp for the first time!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. North Carolina the humidity during the summer months is brutal and this old gal can’t deal with it anymore lol
        Autumn is my favorite time of year as well. It’s bittersweet now since Jim died in a October, but I still prefer the colors, the smells and the chill of that season.
        Just found out my move will be delayed a month…so it looks like mid-October I’ll be in Pennsylvania…


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