Sunset’s Scarecrow

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Sunset’s Scarecrow by Kelvin M. Knight

I know what I’m looking at but what am I expected to see?

Whatever you need to, darling.

A cloudy sea. Shadows. Orange tinges.

She hugged my arm. Nothing else?

If you want me to see atmosphere, emotion, you know I cannot.

How about hope, my darling?

Her voice was silky soft. Silent, I watched her tug my arm.


Hope you say? Sure! There’s an orange-tinged shadowy hope writhing over you, clawing you, digging that disease out of you. Happy?

Red-eyed, she collapsed into my arm. Hold me, handsome my handsome, promise you’ll never let me go.



We are a bunch of enthusiastic amateur and professional writers from across the globe who love drabble-sized flash fiction so much we share our little masterpieces with one another for commenting, critiquing and enjoyment. Our stories are based on a weekly photo prompt co-ordinated by our most gracious of hostesses, Rochelle.

If you would like to join in, please do. If you would like to read the other fine writers’ efforts, please click la’al blue froggy.


Cracked Love.jpg

49 thoughts on “Sunset’s Scarecrow

  1. How terrible that his bitterness at impending loss should paralyse his ability to comfort her. And still she clings to him, and still she hopes for oneness with him. You’ve written such a sad and powerful piece, Kelvin.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hopefully they can both come to terms somehow, or when the end comes it will be very tough for him. Good to find small pleasures together while you can, though easier said than done. Sad tale Kelvin

    Liked by 1 person

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