PHOTO PROMPT © Fatima Fakier

Dear Readers

This is my first public attempt at FridayFictioneers style story for a wee while – although  I have been looking, reading, writing and dropping the odd comment on others’ stories ( those of you whose style I have liked enough to follow your blogs). I hope I am up to the task of commenting on as many of your stories as supportively and encouragingly as I used to; however, do bear in mind my energy reserves are somewhat limited after a period of hospitalisation recently.

Take care of yourselves.





Kelvin M. Knight

A lifetime on these canals and he knew everyone – even these tourists visiting Venice for the first time. That excitement in their voices, this light in their eyes –  belonged here in the splendour of these waterways.

His waterways, whose crystal surface he’d danced and sung over until his gondola ran dry.

Leaning back, he waved an oar that sank long ago. When these tourists waved back, his heart sang again, whereupon he saw wings in the water. Such majesty rippling, beating beautifully, and he knew: these veins of Venice would keep his spirit afloat long after this dance was completed.

(100 words)

49 thoughts on “WINGS in the WATER

  1. I get the feeling he is nearing the end of his own dance, that those wings are a sign for him that his time is nearly up. Wonderfully written, Kelvin and I’m really glad to see you back 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. even these tourists visiting Venice for the first time. Love this! I used to give tours at an archeology site and soon everyone on the tours looked familiar ~ wide eyes, confusion, boredom. This line captures that. Your whole piece has a brightness about it that made my afternoon. Thanks, Kelvin. Heal quickly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good. Brightness and positivity were flowing from me that day (they flow from me most days but I choose to write what if….) I am healing, thanks Lish. maybe not as quickly as I would want but I am being taught patience x.


  3. What a delightful piece, Kelvin. Your description and metaphor is delicious. The character of the gondolier, open and welcoming, is a treat to meet. For those who love Venice, I can well imagine the lure of its timelessness. Shalom – and I hope you continue to improve!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I am just trying to return too. Getting my head round a new but permanent heath issue kept me away most of last year. So I will write when I am well and have gaps when I am otherwise. 🤗 glad your still around.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Just read your deja vu story, Larry. I couldn’t comment or like. Here’s a Like. What an interesting take on the prompt. I used to have deejay vu all the time, until I took praying seriously.


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